Deep Expertise
Sustainable Impact
Greetings from the Rector of Universitas Indonesia (University of Indonesia)
Fakhrudin, M.Si.
Syahnan Poerba, S.E., M.EC

“As an entity with more than 20 years of experience, DMUI always improve its commitment in providing the excellent research, consulting, and training services for its clients. Collaboration, competence, and innovation are the keys in creating value added that would generate the positive impacts on the counterparts’ side.”
Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.DRector of Universitas Indonesia 2019-2024
About Us
Daya Makara UI (DMUI), established on January 9th, 2004, is a Special Enterprise Unit in Universitas Indonesia. DMUI has been an independent research and consulting institution with proven track record in producing high-quality deliverables for governmental institutions, private entities, development agencies, and community groups. As a multidisciplinary intellectual hub, DMUI brings together diverse expertise to address complex challenges. DMUI's team of experienced experts leverages cutting-edge research techniques and sectoral best practices to deliver innovative solutions that drive growth and social transformation. DMUI, through Sustainable Development Research Cluster, also commits to influence environmental legislation, address critical ecological challenges, as well as promote nature-positive development across Indonesia through its main outputs.

Our Vision

Becoming a scientific infrastructure in Universitas Indonesia that performs multidisciplinary approaches, promotes innovations, and consistently provides applicable solution for its counterparts.
We dedicate our technical competences in conducting substantive, impactful, and ground-breaking research activities.
Capacity Building
We deliver high-quality training programs through experienced resource persons.
Policy Design
We apply appropriate knowledge to develop effective and efficient public policy.
We provide workable and satisfactory deliverables for clients by optimizing our resources.
We leverage our enumerators and data collection platform to gather primary data from the targeted respondents.
Community Empowerment
We enable a society to increase control over their lives through various programs and engagements.
Our Focus
Explore the core areas we prioritize to create meaningful impact.
Natural Resource Management
Food and Water Security
Energy Transition
Circular Economy
Biodiversity and Land Use
Sustainable Finance
Value Chain
Impact Evaluation
Development Issues
Our Updates
Please follow DMUI's official LinkedIn page for more information about our latest updates and job opportunities!